

The group value of the Range header in the request is invalid. This is a request error.
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The RANGE_GROUP_NOT_VALID error occurs when the group value of the Range header in a request is invalid. This header is used to request a specific portion of a resource from the server, and the group value can be used to specify multiple ranges or a set of subranges.



Requested Range Not Satisfiable

To troubleshoot this error, follow these steps:

  1. Validate Range header values: Ensure that the group value in the Range header is a valid format. It should correctly specify the range or subranges you wish to retrieve
  2. Correct grouping: Ensure that the group value is correctly formatted and contains valid range specifications
  3. Check configuration: If the Range header values are being set automatically by some part of your system, check the configuration to ensure it's being set correctly
  4. Debugging: If the error persists, log the Range header values in your server logs to debug and understand what values are being sent in requests
Last updated on October 2, 2024