

The unit identifier of the Range header in the request is not supported. This is a request error.
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The RANGE_UNIT_NOT_SUPPORTED error occurs when the unit identifier of the Range header in a request is not supported by the server. The Range header is used to request a specific portion of a resource from the server, and the unit identifier indicates the unit in which the range is specified, such as bytes.



Requested Range Not Satisfiable

To troubleshoot this error, follow these steps:

  1. Verify supported Range units: Check the documentation for the server or service you are interacting with to determine the supported range units
  2. Correct Range unit: If the Range header in your request specifies an unsupported unit, correct it to use a supported unit
  3. Check configuration: If the Range header values are being set automatically by some part of your system, check the configuration to ensure a supported unit identifier is being used
  4. Debugging: If the error persists, log the Range header values in your server logs to debug and understand what values are being sent in requests
Last updated on October 2, 2024