

The router has too many selections. This is a routing error.
Table of Contents

The ROUTER_TOO_MANY_HAS_SELECTIONS error occurs when the router encounters too many selections while processing the request. This could happen due to misconfiguration or a complex routing setup that exceeds the router's capabilities.



Bad Gateway

To troubleshoot this error, follow these steps:

  1. Review routing configuration: Check the routing configuration to ensure it's correctly set up and doesn't contain excessive selections
  2. Simplify routing setup: If possible, simplify the routing setup to reduce the number of selections the router has to process
  3. Check for recursive or looping logic: Ensure there isn't any recursive or looping logic in the routing configuration that could lead to excessive selections
  4. Review application logs: Inspect the application logs for any warnings or errors related to routing or selections
Last updated on October 2, 2024