

An error occurred in the application when matching too many conditional routes. You cannot have more than 5 `has` routes matched on a single path.
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The TOO_MANY_FORKS error occurs when too many forks are generated while processing the request. This usually happens when matching too many conditional routes, which could lead to a loop or excessive resource usage.

You cannot have more than 5 has routes matched on a single path.



Bad Gateway

  1. Review routing configuration: Reduce the number of rewrites, redirects, or headers with a has key (conditional route) that match the erroring request path
  2. Check for recursive logic: Ensure there isn't any recursive logic in the routing configuration that could lead to excessive forking
  3. Handle unhandled exceptions: Check the application logs for any unhandled exceptions that may be causing the error
Last updated on October 2, 2024