Integrate with Vercel

Learn how to create your own integration for internal or public use with Vercel.
Table of Contents

This guide walks you through the process of creating and managing integrations on Vercel, helping you to extend the capabilities of your Vercel projects by connecting with third-party services.

Integrations can be created by filling out the Create Integration form. To access the form:

  1. From your Vercel dashboard, select your account/team from the scope selector
  2. Select the Integrations tab to see the Integrations overview
  3. Then, select the Integrations Console button and then select Create
  4. Fill out all the entries in the Create integration form as necessary
  5. At the end of the form, depending on the type of integration you are creating, you must accept the terms provided by Vercel so that your integration can be published
  6. If you are creating a native integration, you can create your product(s) using the Create product form after you have submitted the integration form

The Create Integration form must be completed in full before you can submit your integration for review. The form has the following fields:

NameThe name of your integration.
URL SlugThe URL slug for your integration.
DeveloperThe owner of the Integration, generally a legal name.
Contact EmailThe contact email for the owner of the integration. This will not be publicly listed.
Support Contact EmailThe support email for the integration. This will be publicly listed.
Short DescriptionA short description of your integration.
LogoThe logo for your integration.
CategoryThe category for your integration.
WebsiteThe website for your integration.
Documentation URLThe documentation URL for your integration.
EULA URLThe URL to your End User License Agreement (EULA) for your integration.
Privacy Policy URLThe URL to your Privacy Policy for your integration.
OverviewA detailed overview of your integration.
Additional InformationAdditional information about configuring your integration.
Feature MediaA featured image or video for your integration. You can link up to 5 images or videos for your integration with the aspect ratio of 3:2.
Redirect URLThe URL the user sees during installation.
API ScopesThe API scopes for your integration.
Webhook URLThe URL to receive webhooks from Vercel.
Configuration URLThe URL to configure your integration.
Base URL (Native integration)The URL that points to your integration server
Redirect Login URL (Native integration)The URL where the integration users are redirected to when they open your product's dashboard
Installation-level Billing Plans (Native integration)Enable the ability to select billing plans when installing the integration
Integrations AgreementThe agreement to the Vercel terms (which may differ based on the type of integration)

The Create Product form must be completed in full for at least one product before you can submit your product for review. The form has the following fields:

NameThe name of your product.
URL SlugThe URL slug for your product.
VisibilityWhether to show your product in the Vercel integrations marketplace or not.
Short DescriptionA short description of your product.
Short Billing Plans DescriptionA short description of your billing plan.
Metadata SchemaThe metadata your product will receive when a store is created or updated.
LogoThe logo for your product.
TagsTags for the integrations marketplace categories.
GuidesGetting started guides for specific frameworks.
ResourcesResource links such as documentation.
REPLEnable or disable the playground for your product in the Vercel dashboard.

To create a product for your native integration, follow the steps in Create a product for a native integration.

Once you have created your connectable account integration, it will be assigned the Community badge and be available for external users to download. You can share it with users either through your site or through the Vercel deploy button.

If you are interested in having your integration listed on the public Integrations page:

  • The integration must have at least 500 active installations (500 accounts that have the integration installed).
  • The integration follows our review guidelines.
  • Once you've reached this minimum install requirement, please email [email protected] with your request to be reviewed for listing.

You can view all integrations that you have created on the Integrations Console.

To preview an integration's live URL, click View Integration. This URL can be shared for installation based on the integration's visibility settings.

The live URL has the following format:


Where, <slug> is the name you specified in the URL Slug field during the integration creation process.

To help troubleshoot errors with your integration, select the View Logs button on the Edit Integration page. You will see a list of all requests made to this integration with the most recent at the top. You can use filters on the left column such as selecting only requests with the error level. When you select a row, you can view the detailed information for that request in the right column.

In the Integrations Console, a Community badge will appear under your new integration's title once you have submitted the integration. While integrations with a Community badge do not appear in the marketplace, they are available to be installed through your site or through the Vercel deploy button

Community integrations are developed by third parties and are supported solely by the developers. Before installing, review the developer's Privacy Policy and End User License Agreement on the integration page.

The installation of the integration is a critical component of the developer experience that must cater to all types of developers. While deciding the installation flow you should consider the following:

  • New user flow: Developers should be able to create an account on your service while installing the integration
  • Existing user flow: With existing accounts, developers should sign in as they install the integration. Also, make sure the forgotten password flow doesn't break the installation flow
  • Strong defaults: The installation flow should have minimal steps and have set defaults whenever possible
  • Advanced settings: Provide developers with the ability to override or expand settings when installing the integration

For the installation flow, you should consider adding the following specs:

Spec NameRequiredSpec Notes
DocumentationYesExplain the integration and how to use it. Also explain the defaults and how to override them.
Deploy ButtonNoCreate a Deploy Button for projects based on a Git repository.

As an integration creator, you are solely responsible for the support of your integration developed and listed on Vercel. When providing user support, your response times and the scope of support must be the same or exceed the level of Vercel's support. For more information, refer to the Vercel Integrations Marketplace Agreement.

When submitting an integration, you'll enter a support email, which will be listed publicly. It's through this email that integration users will be able to reach out to you.

Last updated on October 2, 2024