Can I redirect from a subdomain to a subpath?

Vercel (and Next.js) both offer the ability to add Redirects and Rewrites to your application. This approach is commonly used for subpaths. For example, adding a redirect from to

If you want to rewrite to, you'll need to configure a rewrite making use of the has field.

  1. Create a next.config.js file is using Next.js or a vercel.json file like below.
  2. Push your changes and redeploy your application.
rewrites() {
return {
beforeFiles: [
// if the host is ``,
// this rewrite will be applied
source: '/:path*',
has: [
type: 'host',
value: '',
destination: '/app/:path*',
An example rewrite object configuration inside next.config.js.. Only paths with will be rewritten.
"rewrites": [
"source": "/:path*",
"has": [
"type": "host",
"value": ""
"destination": "/app/:path*"
An example rewrite object configuration inside vercel.json.

When a request is made to, then it will be rewritten to

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