
Learn how to implement common Vercel platform features through the Build Output API.
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This section describes how to implement common Vercel platform features through the Build Output API through a combination of platform primitives, configuration and helper functions.

The vercel.json file supports an easier-to-use syntax for routing through properties like rewrites, headers, etc. However, the config.json "routes" property supports a lower-level syntax.

The getTransformedRoutes() function from the @vercel/routing-utils npm package can be used to convert this higher-level syntax into the lower-level format that is supported by the Build Output API. For example:

import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import { getTransformedRoutes } from '@vercel/routing-utils';
const { routes } = getTransformedRoutes({
  trailingSlash: false,
  redirects: [
    { source: '/me', destination: '/profile.html' },
    { source: '/view-source', destination: 'https://github.com/vercel/vercel' },
const config = {
  version: 3,
writeFileSync('.vercel/output/config.json', JSON.stringify(config));

The cleanUrls: true routing feature is a special case because, in addition to the routes generated with the helper function above, it also requires that the static HTML files have their .html suffix removed.

This can be achieved by utilizing the "overrides" property in the config.json file:

import { writeFileSync } from 'fs';
import { getTransformedRoutes } from '@vercel/routing-utils';
const { routes } = getTransformedRoutes({
  cleanUrls: true,
const config = {
  version: 3,
  overrides: {
    'blog.html': {
      path: 'blog',
writeFileSync('.vercel/output/config.json', JSON.stringify(config));

An Edge Runtime function can act as a "middleware" in the HTTP request lifecycle for a Deployment. Middleware is useful for implementing functionality that may be shared by many URL paths in a Project (e.g. authentication), before passing the request through to the underlying resource (such as a page or asset) at that path.

An Edge Middleware is represented on the file system in the same format as an Edge Function. To use the middleware, add additional rules in the routes configuration mapping URLs (using the src property) to the middleware (using the middlewarePath property).

The following example adds a rule that calls the auth middleware for any URL that starts with /api, before continuing to the underlying resource:

  "routes": [
      "src": "/api/(.*)",
      "middlewareRawSrc": ["/api"],
      "middlewarePath": "auth",
      "continue": true

When using Prerender Functions, you may want to implement "Draft Mode" which would allow you to bypass the caching aspect of prerender functions. For example, while writing draft blog posts before they are ready to be published.

To implement this, the bypassToken of the <name>.prerender-config.json file should be set to a randomized string that you generate at build-time. This string should not be exposed to users / the client-side, except under authenticated circumstances.

To enable "Draft Mode", a cookie with the name __prerender_bypass needs to be set (i.e. by a Serverless Function) with the value of the bypassToken. When the Prerender Function endpoint is accessed while the cookie is set, then "Draft Mode" will be activated, bypassing any caching that Vercel would normally provide when not in draft mode.

When using Prerender Functions, you may want to implement "On-Demand Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)" which would allow you to invalidate the cache at any time.

To implement this, the bypassToken of the <name>.prerender-config.json file should be set to a randomized string that you generate at build-time. This string should not be exposed to users / the client-side, except under authenticated circumstances.

To trigger "On-Demand Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)" and revalidate a path to a Prerender Function, make a GET or HEAD request to that path with a header of x-prerender-revalidate: <bypassToken>. When that Prerender Function endpoint is accessed with this header set, the cache will be revalidated. The next request to that function should return a fresh response.

Last updated on October 2, 2024