Preview Deployment Suffix

When you create a new deployment, Vercel will automatically generate a unique URL which you can use to access that particular deployment.
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Preview Deployment Suffix is available on Pro and Enterprise plans

Preview Deployment Suffixes allow you to customize the URL of a preview deployment by replacing the default suffix with a custom domain of your choice.

The entered custom domain must be:

  • Available and active within the team that enabled the Preview Deployment Suffix
  • Using Vercel's Nameservers

To enable Preview Deployment Suffix, and customize the appearance of any of your generated URLs:

  1. From your dashboard, select the Settings tab
  2. Select the Billing tab
  3. Under Add-Ons, set the toggle for Preview Deployment Suffix to Enabled
  4. Navigate to the Settings tab on the team dashboard
  5. Select the General tab and scroll down to the Preview Deployment Suffix section
  6. Enter the custom domain of your choice in the input, and push Save
Selecting a custom value for the Preview Deployment Suffix.
Selecting a custom value for the Preview Deployment Suffix.

If you are not able to use Vercel's Nameservers, see our guide on how to use a custom domain without Vercel's Nameservers.

See the plans add-ons documentation for information on pricing.

To disable Preview Deployment Suffix:

  1. From your dashboard, select the Settings tab
  2. Select the Billing tab
  3. Under Add-Ons, set the toggle for Preview Deployment Suffix to Disabled

The next preview deployment generated will revert back to the default suffix.

You may encounter this error if you are using the Preview Deployment Suffix in your team. Make sure that the custom domain you configured is:

The best way to satisfy all of these constraints is to ensure the domain is also added to a project located in the same team. In this project, you can include a single index.html that displays when someone visits the root of the domain.

Last updated on October 2, 2024