
Manage and optimize usage for Remote Cache Artifacts

Learn how to understand the different charts in the Vercel dashboard, how usage relates to billing, and how to optimize your usage of artifacts.
Table of Contents

The Artifacts section shows the following charts:

Manage and Optimize pricing
Number of Remote Cache ArtifactsThe number of uploaded and downloaded artifacts using the Remote Cache APINoN/A
Total Size of Remote Cache ArtifactsThe size of uploaded and downloaded artifacts using the Remote Cache APIYesLearn More
Time SavedThe time saved by using artifacts cached on the Vercel Remote Cache APINoN/A

Artifacts are blobs of data or files that are uploaded and downloaded using the Vercel Remote Cache API, including calls made using Turborepo and the Remote Cache SDK. Once uploaded, artifacts can be downloaded during the build by any team members.

Uploaded artifacts on Vercel automatically expire after 7 days.

Artifacts get annotated with a task duration, which is the time required for the task to run and generate the artifact. The time saved is the sum of that task duration for each artifact multiplied by the number of times that artifact is reused from a cache.

  • Remote Cache: The time saved by using artifacts cached on the Vercel Remote Cache API
  • Local Cache: The time saved by using artifacts cached on your local filesystem cache

When your team enables Vercel Remote Cache, Vercel will automatically cache Turborepo outputs (such as files and logs) and create cache artifacts from your builds. This can help speed up your builds by reusing artifacts from previous builds. To learn more about what is cached, see the Turborepo docs on caching.

For other monorepo implementations like Nx, you need to manually configure your project using the Remote Cache SDK after you have enabled Vercel Remote Cache.

You are not charged based on the number of artifacts, but rather the size in GB downloaded.

The total size graph shows the ratio of artifacts uploaded and downloaded from the Vercel Remote Cache. Multiple uploads or downloads of the same artifact count as distinct events when calculating these sizes.

You are charged based on the total size of artifacts downloaded from the Remote Cache API. Each plan has a limit for the total size of artifacts that can be downloaded from the Remote Cache. Anything beyond this limit is charged per additional GB of downloaded artifacts: Learn More

You can do this by ensuring that you only cache the files that need to be restored for cache hits.

For example, the .next folder contains your build artifacts. You can avoid caching the .next/cache folder since it is only used for development and will not speed up your production builds.

Last updated on October 2, 2024