
Global Configuration

Learn how to configure Vercel CLI under your system user.
Table of Contents

Using the following files and configuration options, you can configure Vercel CLI under your system user.

The two global configuration files are: config.json and auth.json. These files are stored in the com.vercel.cli directory inside XDG_DATA_HOME, which defaults to:

  • Linux: ~/.local/share/com.vercel.cli
  • macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/com.vercel.cli
  • Windows: %APPDATA%\Roaming\\com.vercel.cli

These files are automatically generated by Vercel CLI, and shouldn't need to be altered.

This file is used for global configuration of Vercel deployments. Vercel CLI uses this file as a way to co-ordinate how deployments should be treated, consistently.

The first option is a single _ that gives a description to the file, if a user should find themselves looking through it without context.

The following options are all of the options that can be used by users to configure their Vercel deployments globally on their system for that user profile:

Type: String.

Valid values: A team ID.

This option tells Vercel CLI which context is currently active. If this property exists and contains a team ID, that team is used as the scope for deployments, otherwise if this property does not exist, the user's Hobby team is used.

  "currentTeam": "team_ofwUZockJlL53hINUGCc1ONW"

Type: Boolean.

Valid values: true (default), false.

This option defines whether Vercel CLI should collect anonymous metrics about which commands are invoked the most, how long they take to run, and which errors customers are running into.

  "collectMetrics": true

This file should not be edited manually. It exists to contain the authentication information for the Vercel clients.

In the case that you are uploading your global configuration setup to a potentially insecure destination, we highly recommend ensuring that this file will not be uploaded, as it allows an attacker to gain access to your provider accounts.

Last updated on October 2, 2024