Conformance Rules

Learn how Conformance improves collaboration, productivity, and software quality at scale.
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Conformance is available on Enterprise plans

This page lists all the built-in rules that Conformance will check for by default in your application.

These Conformance rules catch common issues that can happen in Next.js applications.

Test NameDescription
ESLINT_NEXT_RULES_REQUIREDRequires that ESLint is configured for Next.js.
NEXTJS_MISSING_MODULARIZE_IMPORTSRequires that Next.js applications that use libraries with barrel exports use modularizeImports to minimize impact on dev compilation speed and bundle size.
NEXTJS_MISSING_OPTIMIZE_PACKAGE_IMPORTSRequires that Next.js applications that use libraries with barrel exports use optimizePackageImports to minimize impact on dev compilation speed and bundle size.
NEXTJS_MISSING_NEXT13_TYPESCRIPT_PLUGINApplications using Next 13 should use the "next" TypeScript plugin for an improved Next.js experience.
NEXTJS_MISSING_REACT_STRICT_MODEApplications using Next.js should enable React Strict Mode to identify unsafe lifecycles and legacy API usage.
NEXTJS_MISSING_SECURITY_HEADERSRequires that important security headers are set correctly for Next.js apps and contain valid directives.
NEXTJS_NO_ASYNC_LAYOUTEnsures that the exported Next.js layout component and its transitive dependencies are not asynchronous, as that can block the rendering of the layout and the rest of the page.
NEXTJS_NO_ASYNC_PAGEEnsures that the exported Next.js page component and its transitive dependencies are not asynchronous, as that blocks the rendering of the page.
NEXTJS_NO_BEFORE_INTERACTIVERequires review of usage of the beforeInteractive strategy in Script (next/script) elements as this can cause performance issues.
NEXTJS_NO_CLIENT_DEPS_IN_MIDDLEWAREDisallows dependencies on client libraries to improve bundle size and execution time of Next.js middleware.
NEXTJS_NO_DYNAMIC_AUTOPrevent usage of force-dynamic as a dynamic page rendering strategy.
NEXTJS_NO_FETCH_IN_SERVER_PROPSPrevent relative fetch calls in getServerSideProps from being added to Next.js applications.
NEXTJS_NO_GET_INITIAL_PROPSRequires any use of getInitialProps in Next.js pages be reviewed and approved, and encourages using getServerSideProps or getStaticProps instead.
NEXTJS_NO_PRODUCTION_SOURCE_MAPSApplications using Next.js should not enable production source maps so that they don't publicly share source code.
NEXTJS_NO_SELF_HOSTED_VIDEOSPrevent video files from being added to Next.js applications to improve performance and bandwidth usage.
NEXTJS_NO_TURBO_CACHEPrevent Turborepo from caching the Next.js .next/cache folder to prevent an oversized cache.
NEXTJS_REQUIRE_EXPLICIT_DYNAMICRequires explicitly setting the dynamic route segment option for Next.js pages and routes.
NEXTJS_SAFE_NEXT_PUBLIC_ENV_USAGEUsage process.env.NEXTPUBLIC* environment variables must be allowlisted.
NEXTJS_SAFE_SVG_IMAGESPrevent dangerouslyAllowSVG without Content Security Policy in Next.js applications.
NEXTJS_SAFE_URL_IMPORTSPrevent unsafe URL Imports from being added to Next.js applications.
NEXTJS_UNNEEDED_GET_SERVER_SIDE_PROPSCatches usages of getServerSideProps that could use static rendering instead, improving the performance of those pages.
NEXTJS_USE_NATIVE_FETCHRequires using native fetch which Next.js provides, removing the need for third-party fetch libraries.
NEXTJS_USE_NEXT_FONTRequires using next/font (when possible), which optimizes fonts for improved privacy and performance.
NEXTJS_USE_NEXT_IMAGERequires that next/image is used for all images for improved performance.
NEXTJS_USE_NEXT_SCRIPTRequires that next/script is used for all scripts for improved performance.
NO_FETCH_FROM_MIDDLEWARERequires that any fetch call that is depended on transitively by Next.js middleware be reviewed and approved before use for performance reasons.
REACT_NO_STATIC_IMPORTS_IN_EVENT_HANDLERSPrevent static imports that are referenced only in React event handlers from being eagerly loaded in React components.
Last updated on October 2, 2024