vercel env

Learn how to manage your environment variables in your Vercel Projects using the vercel env CLI command.
Table of Contents

The vercel env command is used to manage Environment Variables of a Project, providing functionality to list, add, remove, and export.

To leverage environment variables in local tools (like next dev or gatsby dev) that want them in a file (like .env), run vercel env pull <file>. This will export your Project's environment variables to that file. After updating environment variables on Vercel (through the dashboard, vercel env add, or vercel env rm), you will have to run vercel env pull <file> again to get the updated values.

Some frameworks make use of environment variables during local development through CLI commands like next dev or gatsby dev. The vercel env pull sub-command will export development environment variables to a local .env file or a different file of your choice.

vercel env pull [file]

To override environment variable values temporarily, use:

MY_ENV_VAR="temporary value" next dev

If you are using vercel build or vercel dev, you should use vercel pull instead. Those commands operate on a local copy of environment variables and Project settings that are saved under .vercel/, which vercel pull provides.

vercel env ls

Using the vercel env command to list all Environment Variables in a Vercel Project.

vercel env add

Using the vercel env command to add an Environment Variable to a Vercel Project.

vercel env rm

Using the vercel env command to remove an Environment Variable from a Vercel Project.

vercel env ls [environment]

Using the vercel env command to list Environment Variables for a specific Environment in a Vercel Project.

vercel env ls [environment] [gitbranch]

Using the vercel env command to list Environment Variables for a specific Environment and Git branch.

vercel env add [name]

Using the vercel env command to add an Environment Variable to all Environments to a Vercel Project.

vercel env add [name] [environment]

Using the vercel env command to add an Environment Variable for a specific Environment to a Vercel Project.

vercel env add [name] [environment] [gitbranch]

Using the vercel env command to add an Environment Variable to a specific Git branch.

vercel env add [name] [environment] < [file]

Using the vercel env command to add an Environment Variable to a Vercel Project using a local file's content as the value.

echo [value] | vercel env add [name] [environment]

Using the echo command to generate the value of the Environment Variable and piping that value into the vercel dev command. Warning: this will save the value in bash history, so this is not recommend for secrets.

vercel env add [name] [environment] [gitbranch] < [file]

Using the vercel env command to add an Environment Variable with Git branch to a Vercel Project using a local file's content as the value.

vercel env rm [name] [environment]

Using the vercel env command to remove an Environment Variable from a Vercel Project.

vercel env pull [file]

Using the vercel env command to download Development Environment Variables from the cloud and write to a specific file.

vercel env pull --environment=preview

Using the vercel env command to download Preview Environment Variables from the cloud and write to the .env.local file.

vercel env pull --environment=preview --git-branch=feature-branch

Using the vercel env command to download "feature-branch" Environment Variables from the cloud and write to the .env.local file.

These are options that only apply to the vercel env command.

The --yes option can be used to bypass the confirmation prompt when overwriting an environment file or removing an environment variable.

vercel env pull --yes

Using the vercel env pull command with the --yes option to overwrite an existing environment file.

vercel env rm [name] --yes

Using the vercel env rm command with the --yes option to skip the remove confirmation.

The following global options can be passed when using the vercel env command:

For more information on global options and their usage, refer to the options section.

Last updated on October 2, 2024