vercel secrets

Learn how to list, add, remove, and manage secrets used in environment variables with the vercel secrets CLI command.
Table of Contents

On May 1st, 2024 secrets will be automatically converted to sensitive Environment Variables for Preview and Production environments. Secrets attached to Development environments will not be migrated. Learn more.

The vercel secrets command is used to manage Secrets used in Environment Variables under the current scope, providing functionality to list, add, rename, and remove Secrets.

vercel secrets list

Using the vercel secrets command to list all Secrets under the current scope.

vercel secrets add [secret-name] [secret-value]

Using the vercel secrets command to add a Secret to the current scope.

vercel secrets rename [old-name] [new-name]

Using the vercel secrets command to rename a Secret under the current scope.

vercel secrets remove [secret-name]

Using the vercel secrets command to remove a Secret from the current scope.

The following global options can be passed when using the vercel secrets command:

For more information on global options and their usage, refer to the options section.

Last updated on October 2, 2024