
Learn how to use Notifications to view and manage important alerts about your deployments, domains, integrations, account, and usage.
Table of Contents

Notifications are available on all plans

Vercel sends configurable notifications to you through the dashboard and email. These notifications enable you to view and manage important alerts about your deployments, domains, integrations, account, and usage.

There are a number of places where you can receive notifications:

  • Web: The Vercel dashboard displays a popover, which contains all relevant notifications
  • Email: You'll receive an email when any of the alerts that you set either on your Hobby team or team have been triggered
  • SMS: SMS notifications can only be configured on a per-user basis for Spend Management notifications.

By default, you will receive both web and email notifications for all types of alerts. You can manage these notifications from the Settings tab, but any changes you make will only affect your notifications.

There are two main ways to interact with web notifications:

  • Read: Unread notifications are displayed with a counter on the bell icon. When you view a notification on the web, it will be marked as read once you close the popover. Because of this, we also will not send an email if you have already read it on the web.
  • Archive: You can manage the list of notifications by archiving them. You can view these archived notifications in the archive tab, where they will be visible for 365 days.

You can manage your notifications by using the following steps:

  1. Select your team from the scope selector.
  2. Go to the Settings tab of your account or team's dashboard, and under **Account, select **My Notifications**.
  3. From here, you can toggle where you would like to receive notifications for each different type of notification.

Any changes you make will only be reflected for your notifications and not for any other members of the team.

You can receive feedback on your deployments with the Comments feature. When someone leaves a comment, you'll receive a notification on Vercel. You can see all new comments in the Comments tab of your notifications.

Learn more in the Comments docs.

Customizing on-demand usage notifications is available on Pro plans

Those with the owner role can access this feature

You'll receive notifications when you pass base usage limits for products like Serverless Functions, Edge Functions, Edge Middleware, Image Optimization, Remote Cache, and more.

Team owners on the Pro plan can customize which usage categories they want to receive notifications for based on percentage thresholds or absolute dollar values.

Emails are sent out at specific usage thresholds which varies based on the feature and plan you are on. The below table outlines the thresholds for each:

Spend Management Alerts-50%, 75%, 100% (SMS alerts only at 100%)-
Monitoring Metric-100%, 4400%, 8800%, 17600%, 26400%, 44400%-
Bandwidth Usage75%, 100%75%, 100%, 125%, 200%, 300%, 500%, 1000%75%, 100%, 300%
Serverless Function Execution75%, 100%75%, 100%, 125%, 200%, 300%, 500%, 1000%75%, 100%, 300%
Remote Cache Artifacts75%, 100%75%, 100%, 1000%, 3000%75%, 100%, 300%
Edge Middleware Invocations75%, 100%75%, 100%, 10000%, 20000%, 50000%, 100000%75%, 100%, 3000%
Edge Function Execution Units-75%, 100%, 3000%, 5000%-
Source Image Usage75%, 100%75%, 100%, 300%, 500%, 1000%, 3000%75%, 100%, 300%
Web Analytics Events75%, 100%75%, 100%, 1500%, 2000%, 3000%, 4000%75%, 100%
Edge Config Reads75%, 100%75%, 100%, 300%75%, 100%, 300%
Edge Config Writes75%, 100%75%, 100%, 300%75%, 100%, 300%

If you choose to disable notifications, you won't receive alerts for any excessive charges within that category. This may result in unexpected additional costs on your bill. It is recommended that you carefully consider the implications of turning off notifications for any usage thresholds before making changes to your notification settings.

The types of notifications available for you to manage depend on the role you are assigned within your team. For example, someone with a Developer role will only be able to be notified of Deployment failures and Integration updates.

It is not possible to disable all notifications for alerts that are critical to your Vercel workflow. You can opt-out of one specific channel, like email, but not both email and web notifications. This is because of the importance of these notifications for using the Vercel platform. The list below provides information on which alerts are critical.

Notification groupType of notificationExplanationCritical notification?
Team join requestsTeam owners will be notified when someone requests access to join their team and can follow a link from the notification to manage the request.
Deployment FailuresDeployment owners will be notified about any deployment failures that occur for any Project on your account or team.
Configuration - Certificate renewal failedTeam owners will be notified if the SSL Certification renewal for any of their team's domains has failed. For more information, see When is the SSL Certificate on my Vercel Domain renewed?.
Configuration - Domain ConfiguredTeam owners will be notified of any domains that have been added to a project. For more information, see Add a domain.
Configuration - Domain MisconfiguredTeam owners will be notified of any domains that have been added to a project and are misconfigured. These notifications will be batched. For more information, see Add a domain.
Configuration - Domain no payment source or payment failureTeam owners will be notified if there were any payment issues while Adding a domain. Ensure a valid payment option is adding to Settings > Billing
Renewals - Domain renewalsTeam owners will be notified 17 days and 7 days before renewal attempts.
Renewals - Domain expirationTeam owners will be notified 24 and 14 days before a domain is set to expire about, if auto-renewal is off. A final email will notify you when the Domain expires.
Transfers - Domain moves requested or completedTeam owners will be notified when a domain has requested to move or successfully moved in or out of their team. For more information see, Transfer a domain to another Vercel user or team
Transfers - Domain transfers initiated, cancelled, and completedTeam owners will be notified about any information regarding any domain transfers in or out of your team.
Transfers - Domain transfers pending approvalTeam owners will be notified when a domain is being transferred into Vercel, but the approval is required from the original registrar.
Integration configuration disabledEveryone will be notified about integration updates such as a disabled Integration.
Integration scope changedTeam owners will be notified if any of the Integrations used on their team have updated their scope.
Usage increasedTeam owners will be notified about all usage alerts regarding billing, and other usage warnings.
Usage limit reachedUsers will be notified when they reach the limits outlined in the Fair Usage Policy.
Email changed confirmationYou will be notified when you have successfully updated the email connected to your Hobby team
Email changed verificationYou will be notified when you have updated the email connected to your Hobby team. You will need to verify this email to confirm.
User invitedYou will be sent this when you have been invited to join a new team.
Invoice payment failedUsers who can manage billing settings will be notified when they have an outstanding invoice.
Project role changedYou will be sent this when your role has changed
User deletedYou will be sent this when you have chosen to delete their account. This notification is sent by email only.
Edge ConfigSize Limit AlertsMembers will be notified when Edge Config size exceeds its limits for the current plan
Schema Validation ErrorsMembers will be notified (at most once per hour) if API updates are rejected by schema protection
Last updated on October 2, 2024