
Manage and optimize usage

Understand how to manage and optimize your usage on Vercel, learn how to track your usage, set up alerts, and optimize your usage to save costs.
Table of Contents

There are three plans on Vercel: Hobby, Pro, and Enterprise. To see which plan you are on, select your team from the scope selector. Next to your team name, you will see the plan you are on.

The Usage page shows the usage of all projects in your Vercel account by default. To access it, select the Usage tab from your Vercel dashboard.

To use the usage page:

  1. To investigate the usage of a specific team, use the scope selector to select your team
  2. From your dashboard, select the Usage tab
  3. We recommend you look at usage over the last 30 days to determine patterns. Change the billing cycle dropdown under Usage to Last 30 days
  4. You can choose to view the usage of a particular project by selecting it from the dropdown
  5. In the overview, you'll see an allotment indicator. It shows how much of your usage you've consumed in the current cycle and the projected cost for each item
  6. Use the Top Paths chart to understand the metrics causing the high usage

The usage dashboard helps you understand and project your usage. You can also set up alerts to notify you when you're approaching usage limits. You can set up the following features:

  • Spend Management: Spend management is an opt-in feature. Pro teams can set up a spend amount for your team to trigger notifications or actions. For example a webhook or pausing your projects when you hit your set amount
  • Usage Notifications: Usage notifications are set up automatically. Pro teams can also configure the threshold for usage alerts to notify you when you're approaching your usage limits

Interested in the Enterprise plan?

Contact our sales team to learn more about the Enterprise plan and how it can benefit your team.

The table below shows the metrics for the Networking section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
Top PathsThe paths that consume the most resources on your teamN/AN/A
Fast Data TransferThe data transfer between Vercel's Edge Network and your sites' end users.YesLearn More
Fast Origin TransferThe data transfer between Vercel's Edge Network to Vercel ComputeYesLearn More
Edge RequestsThe number of cached and uncached requests that your deployments have receivedYesLearn More

The table below shows the metrics for the Serverless Functions section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
Function InvocationsThe number of times your Functions have been invokedYesLearn More
Function DurationThe time your Serverless Functions have spent responding to requestsYesLearn More
ThrottlesInstances where requests to Functions are not served due to concurrency limitsNoN/A

The table below shows the metrics for the Edge Functions section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
InvocationsThe number of times your Functions have been invokedYesLearn More
Execution UnitsThe number of execution units that your Edge Functions have used. An execution unit is 50 ms of CPU time.YesLearn More
CPU TimeThe time your Edge Functions have spent computing responses to requestsNoLearn more

The table below shows the metrics for the Edge Middleware section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
InvocationsThe number of times your Middleware has been invokedYesLearn More
CPU TimeThe time your Middleware has spent computing responses to requestsNoLearn More

The table below shows the metrics for the Builds section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
Build TimeThe amount of time your Deployments have spent being queued or buildingAdditional concurrent buildsLearn More
Number of BuildsHow many times a build was issued for one of your DeploymentsNoN/A

The table below shows the metrics for the Remote Cache Artifacts section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
Number of Remote Cache ArtifactsThe number of uploaded and downloaded artifacts using the Remote Cache APINoN/A
Total Size of Remote Cache ArtifactsThe size of uploaded and downloaded artifacts using the Remote Cache APIYesLearn More
Time SavedThe time saved by using artifacts cached on the Vercel Remote Cache APINoN/A

The table below shows the metrics for the Edge Config section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
ReadsThe number of times your Edge Config has been readYesLearn More
WritesThe number of times your Edge Config has been updatedYesLearn More

The table below shows the metrics for the Data Cache section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
OverviewThe usage from fetch requests to originsNoLearn More
ReadsThe total amount of Read Units used to access the Data CacheYesLearn More
WritesThe total amount of Write Units used to store new data in the Data CacheYesLearn More

The table below shows the metrics for the Vercel Postgres section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
Compute timeThe length of time your Postgres database is active and responding to requests, multipled by it's CPU factorYesLearn More
Data storageThe data stored across your Postgres storesYesLearn More
Data transferData transferred between your Postgres databases and compute endpointsYesLearn More
Written dataThe data written to all your Postgres databasesYesLearn More
DatabasesThe number of Postgres databases you have createdYesLearn More

The table below shows the metrics for the Vercel KV section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
RequestsThe number of requests made to your KV storesYesLearn More
Data transferThe amount of data transferred between your KV stores and your compute endpointsYesLearn More
StorageThe amount of data stored in all your KV storesYesLearn More
DatabasesThe number of KV databases you have createdYesLearn More

The table below shows the metrics for the Web Analytics, Speed Insights, and Monitoring sections of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
Web Analytics EventsThe number of page views and custom events tracked across all your projectsYesLearn More
Speed Insights Data pointsThe number of data points reported from browsers for Speed InsightsYesLearn More
Monitoring Data pointsThe number of requests made to your websiteYesLearn More

The table below shows the metrics for the Image Optimization section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
Optimized imagesThe number of images that have been optimized using the Image Optimization featureYesLearn More

Count shows the total number of a certain metric, across all projects in your account. This is useful to understand past trends about your usage.

Project shows the total usage of a certain metric, per project. This is useful to understand how different projects are using resources and is useful to help you start understanding the best opportunities for optimizing your usage.

For region-based pricing, you can view the usage of a certain metric, per region. This is useful to understand the requests your site is getting from different regions.

  • Requests: The ratio of cached vs uncached requests
  • Fast Data Transfer: The ratio of incoming vs outgoing data transfer
  • Fast Origin Transfer: The ratio of incoming vs outgoing data transfer
  • Serverless Functions invocations: Successful vs errored vs timed out invocations
  • Serverless Functions execution: Successful vs errored vs timed out invocations
  • Builds: Completed vs errored builds
  • Remote Cache Artifacts: Uploaded vs downloaded artifacts
  • Remote Cache total size: Uploaded vs downloaded artifacts

This shows the average usage of a certain metric over a 24 hour period.

For more information on Vercel's pricing, guidance on optimizing consumption, and invoices, see the following resources:

Last updated on October 2, 2024