
Learn how to set custom rules to disallow packages from being listed as dependencies.
Table of Contents

Conformance is available on Enterprise plans

The forbidden-packages rule type enables you to disallow packages from being listed as dependencies in package.json.

  • Deprecating packages
    • You want to disallow importing a deprecated package, and to recommend a different approach
  • Standardization
    • You want to ensure that projects depend on the same set of packages when performing similar tasks (i.e. using jest or vitest consistently across a monorepo)
  • Visibility and approval
    • You want to enable a workflow where team-owned packages can't be depended upon without acknowledgement or approval from that team. This helps owning teams to better plan and understand the impacts of their work

To create a custom forbidden-packages rule, you'll need to configure the below required properties:

ruleType"forbidden-packages"The custom rule's type.
ruleNamestringThe custom rule's name.
categories("nextjs" | "performance" | "security" | "code-health")[] (optional)The custom rule's categories. Default is ["code-health"].
errorMessagestringThe error message, which is shown to users when they encounter this rule.
errorLinkstring (optional)An optional link to show alongside the error message.
descriptionstring (optional)The rule description, which is shown in the Vercel Compass dashboard and included in allowlist files.
severity"major" | "minor" (optional)The rule severity added to the allowlists and used to calculate a project's conformance score.
packageNamesstring[]An array of exact package names or glob expressions.
packageVersionsstring[] (optional)Added in Conformance 1.8.0. An optional array of exact package versions or semver ranges.

The example below configures a rule named NO_TEAM_PACKAGES that disallows importing any package from the team workspace except for @team/utils.

  "customRules": [
      "ruleType": "forbidden-packages",
      "ruleName": "NO_TEAM_PACKAGES",
      "errorMessage": "Packages from the team workspace have been deprecated in favour of '@team/utils'.",
      "description": "Disallow importing packages from the team workspace.",
      "severity": "major",
      "packageNames": ["@team/*", "!@team/utils"],

The next example restricts the utils package, only allowing versions equal to or above 2.0.0. This option requires Conformance 1.8.0 or later.

  "customRules": [
      "ruleType": "forbidden-packages",
      "ruleName": "NO_OLD_UTIL_PACKAGES",
      "errorMessage": "Versions of `utils` below `2.0.0` are not allowed for security reasons.",
      "description": "Disallow importing `utils` versions below version `2.0.0`.",
      "severity": "major",
      "packageNames": ["utils"],
      "packageVersions: ["<=2.0.0"]

The example below enables the NO_TEAM_PACKAGES custom rule. In this example, the custom rule is also restricted to the dashboard and marketing-site workspaces, which is optional.

  "overrides": [
      "restrictTo": {
        "workspaces": ["dashboard", "marketing-site"],
      "rules": {
        "CUSTOM.NO_TEAM_PACKAGES": true,
  "customRules": [
    // ...
Last updated on October 2, 2024